PVC Furniture
Our main objective is to meet and satisfy the needs of our customers, making the most of the available spaces.

Our Customers

We are a company dedicated to the manufacture of indoor furniture in PVC material. With 10 years of experience in the industry, we have a highly trained team to provide excellent service. We currently have 6 branches in the state of Jalisco.

Our Products
Not only to design your space, but to make a unique place taking care of every detail to your personal taste.
Tables / Bureaus
Headboards / Toy stands
Entertainment Centers
Laundry Centers
Organizers / Cabinets
Desks / Bathroom furniture
Benefits of PVC
It avoids the destruction of forests and is considered one of the most versatile plastics of high quality and durability.
Moisture resistant
Maintenance free

Warranty for 10 years
All our work is guaranteed, we provide a Warranty Certificate at the time of purchase, we are backed by years of experience!
Our guidelines
☑️ Style and taste of our client
☑️ Space we have
☑️ Use we want to give it
☑️ Budget available
We are manufacturers
Choose quality and trust our products! We offer a wide range of PVC products.
Our Branches

Fco. Zarco N0. 1169
Col. Sra Teresita.
C.P. 44600
Tel. 3336160600/66

Las Juntas
Carretera Tepic. Pato.
Vallarta N° 5415 -A Local 24
C.P: 48291
Plaza las juntas Centro de Diseño.
Tel. 3221141488

Grandes Lagos
Av. Grandes Lagos No. 291
Int. 8 Colonia Fluvial Vallarta
C.P. 48312
Tel. 322 2256585

Bodega Colima
Calle Colima No. 630
Colonia Las Juntas.
C.P. 48290
Tel. 322 2253904